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Planned Upcoming Events & Activities:

The Serenidad Consulting® & The Peace Ranch® Peace Bites™ Podcast is live on Anchor/Spotify and our podcasts continue to be available on You Tube at the same name: Serenidad Consulting® & The Peace Ranch® Peace Bites™ Podcast.

Previous Events:

Dec 11, 2023: Nola Hennessy attended the evening celebration to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Human Rights Day Dec 10, 2023

Sep 26, 2023: Nola Hennessy attended the University of Queensland’s Latin American Colloquium 2023

Jul 2, 2023: As Strategic Advisor to the UNAA’s Peace and Security Program in Australia, Nola Hennessy participated in the Program’s workshop in Queensland

Feb 25, 2023: Nola Hennessy attended the UNAA Peace and Security Program’s Brisbane QLD event: Economic Sanctions and Human Rights in Iran and Russia

Dec 21, 2022: As a Donor Guest on Voice America’s Empowerment Channel with host, Cynthia Brian, Nola spoke about inner peace, how to avoid conflict and manage difficult scenarios (especially at Christmas time), and why positivity is so important

Dec 22, 2021: As a Donor Guest on Voice America’s Empowerment Channel with host, Cynthia Brian, Nola spoke about valuing life, being thankful for our blessings, how to focus on the future while acknowledging the past, and how to empower others to make positive change

Dec 5, 2021: As Strategic Advisor to the UNAA’s Peace and Security Program in Australia, Nola Hennessy participated in the Program’s Quarterly workshop in Queensland

Sep 26, 2021: As Strategic Advisor to the UNAA’s Peace and Security Program in Australia, Nola Hennessy participated in the Program’s Quarterly workshop in Queensland

Sep 22, 2021: Nola Hennessy attended the UNAA’s International Peace Day event 

Mar 21, 2021: As Strategic Advisor, Nola Hennessy contributed to UNAA Peace and Security Program discussions led by UNAA Queensland

Dec 23, 2020: Donor Guest on Voice America’s Empowerment Channel, Nola spoke about how to bring harmony to Christmas festivities and how best to build a new year that is founded on the lessons learned in 2020. View the e-card.

Sep 27, 2020: As an invited speaker Nola Hennessy provided the UNAA Peace and Security Program with a presentation on ‘Building Relationships with the Australian Defence Organisation’, via Zoom

Aug 30, 2020: Nola Hennessy participated in Ending Modern Slavery discussions led by the UNAA QLD

Jul 30, 2020: Nola Hennessy participated in Ending Modern Slavery discussions led by the UNAA QLD

Jun 7, 2020: Nola Hennessy attended the UNAA Peace and Security Program Working Group discussions held via Zoom

Dec 18, 2019: Donor Guest on Voice America’s Empowerment Channel, Nola and host Cynthia Brian discussed Patience and Positive Choices for Peace, our plans for the future and key issues facing humanity

Sep 21, 2019: UN International Day of Peace, Brisbane QLD

Mar 25, 2019: Nola Hennessy attended the UNAA Peace and Security Program Working Group discussions held in Brisbane QLD

Dec 10, 2018: As a member of the UNAA, Nola Hennessy was delighted to attend the University of Queensland and UNAA’s joint celebration of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Apr 14, 2018: Nola Hennessy attended at The Grove in Hollywood to receive her 4 most recent awards for the adult book on recovery and healing, empowerment and building resilience after emotional trauma: Post-Traumatic Stress – Not A Life Sentence (Viewing Trauma and its Effects through a Resilience Lens)

Sep 15-16, 2017: We were pleased to attend the UNAA’s National Conference on “Enhancing Australia’s Support to Global Peace and Security” in Canberra

Jun 19, 2017: Invited Guest on CONVERSATIONS Live with Cyrus Webb. Nola and Cyrus discussed the vital importance (and logic) of seeing recovery and healing from trauma in experience terms and through a lens of “resilience”, rather than through a “mental health” lens

Dec 7, 2016: As a Donor Guest Nola Hennessy provided an uplifting segment on Voice America’s Empowerment Channel, about individual changes one can make to help achieve inner peace and improve relationships, towards the goal of global peace. Read more on VA Press Pass

Dec 16, 2015: Donor Guest Nola Hennessy spoke with Cynthia Brian on Voice America’s Empowerment Channel, about achieving relationship and global peace through inner peace, education, communication and living integrity. Read more on VA Press Pass

Nov 25, 2015: Donor Guest, Nola Hennessy spoke with Cynthia Brian on Voice America’s Empowerment Channel, about prevention strategies and personal choices in achieving global peace and improved relationships

Aug 5, 2015: Donor Guest, Nola Hennessy discussed Global Peace and prevention strategies with Cynthia Brian on Voice America’s Empowerment Channel

May 6, 2015: Invited Guest on Life Angelz, LA Talk Radio with Traci Lynn

April 2015: Nola Hennessy met with the Texas Governor’s office, Texas Comptroller and Texas Workforce Commission to provide updates on Serenidad Consulting LLC and discuss activities and plans for 2015 and beyond

Mar 7, 2015: Nola Hennessy was awarded a further 4 literary awards, for her moving memoir The Peace Angel. Nola attended the awards ceremony at the Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood CA

Feb 11, 2015: Attended the launch of the Global Terrorism Index sponsored by the United Nations Parliamentary Group Australia, Parliament House, Canberra

Feb 9, 2015: Invited Guest on CONVERSATIONS Live with Cyrus Webb

Dec 10, 2014: Donor Guest on Voice America, with a message of Peace for the holiday season

Nov 26, 2014: A Special Thanksgiving message of Positivity and Peace via Voice America Empowerment Channel

Oct 22, 2014: Donor Guest – Voice America Empowerment Channel  ‘Empowering Women, Transforming Lives’ interview about personal power and choices

Oct 18, 2014: Nola Hennessy attended the Centenary celebration Hunt Ball  of the Greenwich Riding and Trails Association, CT. Serenidad Consulting chose to sponsor GRTA for their 100th birthday in 2014

Oct 16, 2014, Nola Hennessy honored with 2014’s “Women of Impact” Award and Certificate of Recognition from Howard County Maryland USA

Oct 1, 2014: Donor Guest – Voice America Empowerment Channel interview with Cynthia Brian –  humanity’s need for peace and an end to conflict

Sep 18, 2014: Serenidad Consulting, one of many sponsors of the Centenary events, attended the Greenwich Riding and Trails Association Patrons’ Party at Conyers Farms CT

Sep 16, 2014: Interview with Kim Stewart on Voice America ‘Business Channel’: Stepping Stones to Everyday Success – putting positive power to work

Aug 24, 2014: Interview with Priscilla Leona on LA Talk Radio, Question Reality Show

Aug 4, 2014: Interview about PTS on Out of the Box Podcast, West Hollywood

Jun 19, 2014: Nola Hennessy attended the United Nations Parliamentary Group Launch of the 2014 Global Peace Index in Canberra Australia

Jun 11, 2014, Voice America ‘Empowerment Channel‘ donor interview with Cynthia Brian

Apr 29, 2014: Invited Keynote Address: “Knowledge Management” Forum, Electronic Systems DivisionAustralian Defence Materiel Organisation, Canberra, Australia

Mar 3-4, 2014: Invited Speaker “Addressing the Changes in Human Interaction – The Downside of Technological Advancement”
Inaugural Child Online Safety and Protection Conference, Sydney Australia

Feb 12, 2014: “Valentine’s Special” – Voice America ‘Empowerment Channel Donor Interview with Cynthia Brian

Dec 11 & 13, 2013: Invited Speaker and Workshop Facilitator at Australia’s inaugural Workplace Bullying Conference, Sydney

Nov 22, 2013: Book Sales and Signings, Miami Book Fair International, Miami FL

Nov 20, 2013: Voice America ‘Empowerment Channel’ Donor Interview with Cynthia Brian

Sep 3, 2013: Sydney Safety Conference, Australia

Invited Speaker: “From Rhetoric to “Great Leadership in Safety”” – KEY HIGHLIGHTS HEADS UP VIEW IN “OHS PROFESSIONAL” NEWS, Safety Institute of Australia

Safety Institute of Australia’s Sydney Safety Conference, Day 1 Sept 3 2013

May 24, 2013: US Military Times, interview with Patricia Kime

Mar 21, 2013: Voice America/World Talk Radio Donor Interview with Cynthia Brian

Jan 19, 2013: Book Festival Awards Night, Omni Parker House Hotel, Boston, MA including:

New England Publishing Seminar

“The Future of Books” Invited Panelist – Predictions for the Publishing Industry & The Journey as Author and Publisher

Jan 14, 2013: READ MY LIPS Talk Radio with Bonnie Graham, New York NY

Jan 10, 2013: Voice America/World Talk Radio Donor Interview with Cynthia Brian

Dec 6, 2012: Voice America/World Talk Radio Interview with Cynthia Brian

Nov 6, 2012: Houston Style Magazine, Interview and Review of “From PMS to PMA”

Oct 29, 2012: Awards Night – Southern California Book Festival, Hollywood CA

Oct 27, 2012: Book Signings Barnes and Noble, Burbank CA

Oct 16-20, 2012: National Publicity Summit, New York City NY

Sep 9, 2012: Book Signings, Washington DC